What is an Automated Video Interview?

Summary of the Key Features of Automated Video Interviews and which Video Interviewing Platform to use…

Automated Video Interviews consist of pre-recorded questions asked to candidates within their applications, as opposed to being asked a set of questions in a face-to-face interview. This is where automation comes in, but what makes an Automated Video Interview is the candidate’s use of their webcam and microphone, or in many cases their smartphone. Candidates film themselves answering the pre-set automated questions that are then sent directly to the recruiter. Automated Video Interviews are often utilized in modern onboarding practices to play an integral role in the recruitment process.

Let’s review the key features that comprise an Automated Video Interview and why they are becoming more and more popular amongst recruiters…

Time is Money

Candidates can record an interview from their phone, permitted by the system’s app that the recruiter uses. This improves the candidate experience because they are not offered or even allocated specific time slots that may be unsuitable or inconvenient for them. They save time from not having to travel, as well as saving on travel costs. There also isn’t any need for candidates to book annual leave from your current employer. Talk about convenience… for both parties: not only may candidates be reluctant to take annual leave for face-to-face interview slots, but some may decline because they can’t afford the time to do so. The consequence of this is that employers can be missing out on the best possible talent! Recruiters can too save time from not having to allocate slots for multiple face-to-face interviews, which is not only time-consuming but stressful for those (all of us?) with busy schedules! Recruiters who do battle the stress of this are often let down by candidate no-shows and unsuitable candidates (that would be apparent from a hassle-free, fast-to-view video interview). In many cases, employers may pay from travel expenses which are also eliminated when using Automated Video Interviews.

The VAR of Recruiting…

Recruiters who use Automated Video Interviews can review interviews and replay them as many times as they wish, as opposed to having to scramble through rushed-handwritten interview notes that may have been conducted by a colleague who doesn’t have the final say. No need to hire someone that you’ve not even seen or heard! This makes for an easy and convenient way of comparing candidates. Doing so also adds to the validity because, in scheduled face-to-face interviews, a recruiter (acting as the interviewer) may be in a good mood when seeing Candidate A, perhaps at 09:00 having just finished their morning coffee… On the other hand, they may see candidate B at 16:00, having had a stressful day and wanting to leave the office as soon as possible, their mind on other things! Talk about fair…

We’ve reviewed the key features that Automated Video Interviews benefit recruiters with, so you’ll now wonder what platform you should use…


Employertube is a Video Interviewing Platform that enables you to attract the best talent. The software is easy-to-use and very user face-friendly. Employertube helps to ensure that recruitment organizations are fully GDPR compliant. Unlike old fashioned methods, Video Interviewing Platforms help to manage data in one place ensuring the required compliance. Emplotertube provides unique data and insights that are GDPR compliant. The Employertube service extends to scheduling and conducting live video interviews. Interviews can then be shared with colleagues and making for a more transparent hiring process. With tailored screening questions, you will be able to immediately screen out candidates that do not meet your interview criteria, selecting only the most suitable applicants for face-to-face interviews. Employertube is also one of the first Video Interviewing Platforms to offer anyone the opportunity to showcase their talents by creating a free video CV, meaning that job seekers can stand out from the crowd by providing a link to their video presentation.

A breakdown of how Employertube can help to optimize your screening process:

We’ve thrown a lot of information your way, so let’s wrap it up…


Automated Video Interviews are becoming more and more common in recruitment processes. They entail candidates answering pre-set questions during their application. This improves the candidate experience due to the convenience given compared to face-to-face interviews. They further improve the candidate experience and the recruiter experience due to the time saved and travel costs saved. A further benefit is that Automated Video Interviews make for a fairer selection process and recruiters can compare the interviews of multiple candidates at the same time. Recruiters who use Automated Video Interviewing software save the hassle of scheduling interview slots, reducing the number of candidate no-shows and saving on wasted time interviewing unsuitable candidates. The best Automated Video Interviewing Platform is Employertube: a state-of-the-art means of both recorded and live video interviews that screens candidates more effectively, providing a better and more transparent candidate experience. It even has a diversity monitoring system… Happy screening!

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